Week 2: “Are we there yet?”

Street vendors with wheelbarrows piled with giant strawberries, oranges, cherimoya and so many other fruits.  Moving into a larger apartment has given us extra elbowroom and the freedom to bring home this lovely fruit! It’s a relief to finally unpack! I’m approaching this with an open mind, yet it still does not have a sense of ‘home’!

Chermoya Galor!

This was the week to explore! We planned a day trip to Gualaceo a small town just outside Cuenca. Mukesh wanting the total immersion experience decided we should travel by bus. We arrive at the bus terminal early morning and quickly figured out our departure gate. You have to put in 10 cents to go through the turnstile then have the bus conductor collect your fare at your destination – a little tricky to get the hang of, but easily understood. Once outside city limits we encounter mountainous scenery and heart stopping precarious edges down to the river.   The bus stops occasionally to pick up or drop off a passenger. There is a sweet lilt in the language, sometimes a little tough to figure out because of the occasional indigenous words and phrases, but once people realize you’re making an effort they help you out!!

On the bus ready to explore!


Gualeceo is quite small, set against a really pretty mountain backdrop. We literally walked the town in 20 minutes!! Decided to continue our day to the next stop in Chordeleg. A cute town filled with jewelry shops, a really pretty square and easy walk around town. We had a really lovely lunch in Chordeleg and chilled for a while in the square. Mukesh may have been thinking about his potential, I think he was taking a siesta!

Pretty scenery from the center square
Hidden off the main drag, little interior courtyard for  a peaceful lunch!
Shared one lunch, included soup and a platter of grilled whole trout!
Local Amerindian woman, weaving a Panama hat. She told us there were 5 factories in the area!  Who knew Panama hats are actually made in Ecuador?

Back in Cuenca, trying to find our go to places! We were walking to El Centro and walked past a barbershop. Mukesh was so happy to get his fortnight trim! I’m still on the hunt for my stylista!

Uno y medio por favor!

Going to the markets is an absolute experience; I love to see the variety, even when it tugs at my heart stings! You have to go in without any expectations, because you may not find exactly what you are looking for! Fruits are plentiful, vegetables are limited and I have not been brave enough to purchase meat or fish! We really are spoilt in California! My pet peeve has been cilantro of all things! It looks wilted and old!

This fellow is trying to make a break for it! Can I sneak him into my purse?
Fresh caught tuna from Manta! Reminded Mukesh of his hometown in India!
Sanitized and ready to go!


Lots of potential for growing beautiful things!

Thoughts for this week are about wrapping my head about making this a home! I’m missing the familiar and the ease and accessibility of day-to-day necessities. A dear friend once said to me ‘home is where you are’. I’m here, but it does not feel like home to me……yet! I’m having trouble articulating exactly what I’m feeling. I know this hubby, friend and sounding board of mine will have to have patience with me!


I’m looking forward to a total getaway to Vilcabamba! I’ll put all the thinking on hold; it’s time to stop taking this so seriously!




  1. M

    Your blog and pictures are so fun! Thank you for taking the time to share your trip…. I will be the first to admit that I know nothing, but I will sound off anyway.. It can be scary to think about picking up and moving when we are so comfortable in our bubble here…..So maybe that fear rears its ugly head and keeps the places you go at a distance….not to feel at home.. ambivalence of some sort?? An old traveler’s advice: Just try to be in the present without adding any decisions which will become clear later on…Have fun and keep writing!

  2. Double z

    I’m soo proud of you both for getting out of your comfort zone and exploring the possibility of making Ecuador your new “home”. It’s brave and something majority of people would never do and mostly because of the fear, money or 1000 excuses they may come up with. But you have given it a solid chance and I am so happy you are emerging yourself in the culture. I much rather be exploring with you two then have to deal with the stresses of life over here in the states. Your not missing much trust me. Though you are missed very much it just makes us appreciate your friendship and love that you have given us when you were in CA and that love can be given at any point in time through a facetime convo or if you settle down there, then when we go visit you. 🙂 love you and see you sooner than later ! I LOVE THE BLOG !

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