Week 1: Cuenca

Departure Day Thoughts!


Boarded the plane with butterflies in my belly! There is definite excitement plus a strange homesickness.  Not really homesick but thoughts of the boys and family, our friends and the wonderful close sense of community within our condo complex, all jumbled into this giant, heavy emotion.  Nothing is constant, whether we make the change or change affects those around us, it is bound to happen.   Processing my thoughts and looking forward to what is in store for Mukesh and I in this next phase of our lives!

Easter Weekend:

Huge tents set up all over town for Easter celebrations.  Interesting to walk around and see the handicrafts and culture.  Colorful pottery and hand woven textiles overflow out of tiny stalls.  Cuenca has stunning architecture.   People stroll around or relax in the lovely parks to people watch.  Parque Calderon has huge Jasmine plants that perfume the air! I’m impressed by how clean the city is!

Four rivers run through the city all gushing due to current torrential rains.  Took a walk to Puente Roto/Broken bridge area that had a lovely selection of local artists.  Vibrant colors seem to be the theme here!  Practicing my Spanish, attempted to haggle for a small painting! The artist was very patient.  We are finding the people to be very polite and super friendly.  So much to see and do in the city!

Sunday morning Mukesh and I ventured into a local eatery for breakfast.  Unfortunately something here did not agree with me.  Mustered through a walk to the local stadium but came back to the apartment feeling listless and very homesick!

Felt isolated in our apartment.  Easter Sunday had few shops and restaurants open so we had no choice but to hang out at the apartment.  In turn, this had me yearning for Del Mar where life is established.  Felt in limbo.  We talked about options, should we stay in Cuenca or branch out to other areas for a week at a time??  We came in search of nature, simplicity and a way to participate in the community.  A less queasy stomach and time will tell.

(Had to retrace our steps to take the above photo, made my stomach ache all over again!!)

Felt much better by Wednesday!  Barbara invited me to join her for a ladies day out.   Started the day around the corner from our apartment at Plaza de las Flores by Santurio Mariano.  Learning the names of these lovely landmarks!  Sunshine and flowers a perfect ‘pick me up’.


One of Barb’s friends (and now my friend too!) had a card from a local artisan who has a factory making hand cut metal objects painted in bright colors.  Following an address on a business card doesn’t mean you’ll find the factory!  We needed the help of a fellow neighbor shopkeeper to uncover the “factory” located in the artist’s home.  He very graciously welcomed us into his home and workshop, proudly showed us everything he was working on.  A humbling and unique experience for sure!

We used handy goggle maps to walk to Mercado de Artesanias Rotary.   Tucked away in a section of the city is this amazing collection of individual shops with a multitude of handicrafts.  Baskets, pottery, metal works and so much more!  Wish I had a photo to share with you of Barb’s plant stands purchases (plural!!).  These had to be loaded in a cab to take home. Really regretting I did not take a photo!  Fun afternoon for sure!  Thank you Barb!


The city is easy to navigate, I feel pretty safe walking around on my own during the day.  Walking past the bakeshops is a challenge.  The aromas literally want to drag you inside!

Ending our week in El Centro Historico de Santa Ana de los Rios de Cuenca.



  1. Sanjiv

    WOW Reeta & Mukesh … this is AMAZING!!! Wish you all the best. We will definitely miss you!

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